We see our responsibility as helping you manage the six fundamental stages of financial planning.
1. Take control of your cash flow and your debt
Obtaining credit is remarkably easy these days. That can be a great thing, but in some cases, it can also be an obstacle to creating wealth. Call us old-school, but at Gardhouse, we actually start with one of the most basic financial planning tools of all: a budget. We’ll work with you to take a clear-eyed look at everything that impacts your cash flow and, thus, your potential to create wealth. It can take some time, but this effort is extremely valuable. In fact, we can’t help you plan without it.
2. Protect yourself from risks to your financial future
An injury, a health problem or even an unexpected dental emergency can seriously disrupt your financial planning. We can direct you to a wide array of insurance providers and plans, but we’re not out to sell you something you don’t need. What we do want to do is listen to you and, with an understanding of your financial situation and future goals, suggest a plan that’s right for you. Insurance plans include life insurance, as well as health insurance, dental insurance, and disability insurance.
3. Invest and grow your wealth
If you knew exactly where and how you wanted to invest and grow your wealth, you wouldn’t need to talk to us. So you have our promise that we won’t make things any more complicated. In fact, we aim to make managing your money and growing your wealth easier for you. By getting to know you, we’re able to look at investments with an approach that matches your temperament and goals – while offering years of experience with a huge array of investment products. All while staying focused on your objective of setting aside a certain amount of savings and accumulating wealth.
4. Practice sound tax planning
You can’t take control of your tax planning without first taking a close look at your life and your particular financial circumstances . So while any number of providers are able to take care of your tax returns, wouldn’t you rather have a little extra attention? We don’t crunch the numbers any differently than anybody else. But we do take the time and trouble to understand your unique situation first. And we’ll drive to your place to make it easier on you.
5. Retire with comfort – without worry
Approaching retirement should be exciting, but far too often it worries people. We’ll help to take that stress off your shoulders by providing counsel before and after you retire. We enjoy the smiles on our clients’ faces when they’re pleasantly surprised to learn how soon they can retire. And we help those who need to take control of their retirement planning to reach their goals. We also help ensure you enjoy your retirement by taking advantage of all the available tax benefits.
6. Manage the financial and practical considerations of your estate.
Financial planning without having a will and power of attorney in place can be extremely risky. While we’d never try to replace a good lawyer, for most straightforward situations we can help you with these important estate planning documents. We also have a great deal of experience with estate administration, and we can help you take care of things you may not have considered – and shouldn’t have to devote time to during such an emotional period.